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Expedite Logistics international Seoul South Korea express hand carry deliveries Asia 제조업 기업 국제 물류 빠른 배송 핸드캐리 신속히 서비스 onboardcourier obc handcarry timecritical internationallogistics internationalcourier automotive aerospace electronics semiconductors medical stemcells korea usa europe japan taiwan hongkong eastasia southeastasia transportation asiapacific

What is SEL?

Seoul Expedite Logistics (SEL) is an American owned and operated logistics group situated in Seoul, South Korea. Our team is currently focusing on providing 24/7 fully supported on board courier services to both International clients and fellow logistics companies alike. Our mission is to be the top of the line OBC logistics group operating out of East Asia. We aim to offer best in class availability, communications, reliability, and execution.

Our OBCs are tested and hand-picked to ensure competency, problem-solving skills, clear communication, and fluent language ability. We pride ourselves on our proven track record and ability to quickly match our client’s contracts with our OBCs to best fit their background, experience, and fluent spoken languages. 

Passionate. Dedicated.

Every member of our international corporate team shares a deep passion for diversity and carries respect for every country and culture across the globe. Our group is comprised of very well travelled, sharp individuals whose wealth of experience and global mindedness affords our clients and partners new perspectives and solutions to their everyday logistical issues. We are committed and driven to our goal of continuing to provide reliable, affordable, and immediately available solutions to our clients and partners.

Seoul Expedite Logistics is ready around the clock to meet the time critical and precise demands of the modern hand carry market. We are on constant standby, ready at a moment's notice to answer any request.


Fast. Reliable. Always Ready.

Seoul Expedite Logistics.

Expedite Logistics international Seoul South Korea express hand carry deliveries Asia 제조업 기업 국제 물류 빠른 배송 핸드캐리 신속히 서비스 onboardcourier obc handcarry timecritical internationallogistics internationalcourier automotive aerospace electronics semiconductors medical stemcells korea usa europe japan taiwan hongkong eastasia southeastasia transportation asiapacific

The Seoul Expedite Logistics trademark and logo are trademarks owned by Seoul Expedite Logistics LLC. Any unauthorized use is expressly prohibited.       
2024 Seoul Expedite Logistics 


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